I love my girlfriend, and I accept her as a zombie. I just wish she would acknowledge it, and be her true self with me. It makes me sad that she feels she has to hide it under layers of makeup and stifle her appetite when she is with me, playing with her food and sipping a drink.

I have never seen her face without the concealing layers. She showed me these transformation TikToks, “catfishing” she called them. The before and after videos were truly shocking. Of course, Megan says the face she shows me is her normal, make-up free face, but I have seen “no-make-up” TikToks too and I know she is lying.

I realised she is a zombie after I saw her face while she was doing her makeup. Hideous scars ran jagged down her face, rotting flesh jutted from her eyelid, brain matter bubbled out under her hairline, over her forehead. She must be a make-up genius to conceal all that so artfully, because when she turned round her skin was dewy, fresh and soft.

Now I stare at her naked body- and she laughs, thinking I am enjoying looking at her nudity, but I am marvelling at how cleverly she uses body make-up to conceal the oozing wounds on her body.

“Are you turned on by my shoulder honey?” she giggles- I was fixating on her left shoulder, certain I could see irregularities there, beneath the smooth skin. She twists and thrusts her shoulder towards me. I look at it intently.

“What- is there a pimple or something?” She looks down at her shoulder.

I say “No silly. Do you want to eat out?”

She starts getting dressed. “Ummm if you like…I’m not that hungry, I’ll get a little bite I guess”

I want to cry- just tell me Megan! Just tell me you eat live human flesh – stop with the play acting! “Why aren’t you hungry sweetie?” I say, all concerned. “We’ve been together for hours- you haven’t eaten anything!”

Megan’s face scrunches up. “You know I’m sorting out my food stuff Brett, please don’t fuss about it. We can go out – I’m sure there’s something I can eat.”

Yes, I think. Me.

How is it possible for a normal human to go so many hours without eating normal food? We’ve been spending more and more time together recently- so her habits about food and makeup only just started to add up- and then that glimpse of her in the bedroom mirror, as she was poking a black pencil thingy in her eye. That was when I saw the blood and brains. She had closed the door on me “for privacy”. Why hide from your lover?

I know she will turn on me soon, I have to kill her before she eats me. She must be starving.

Her eyes gleam at me and the elaborate colours on her eyelids shimmer.

I decide to run her over in the parking lot, ensuring I smash her brains.

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