Someone On The Stairs - Reddit Scary Story


Back when I was in middle school my family planned a trip to Florida a week during the summer. The house we rented was in a great location and we all loved it. Everything nearby was convenient to get to and no more than a half hour away. There were no problems at all the first couple of nights. I have two siblings that were on the trip as well.

As the week went on my sister mentioned that she felt very off around certain doorways of the house and around the closet. She said it seemed like she was being watched when nobody was around. She also said that lights in her room would be on when everybody including her were downstairs and she shut it off before. We just assumed she was being forgetful and making up the stories of her feeling like she was being watched. We all thought this until the next night.

It was late enough for the entire house to be quiet. My entire family was asleep and the house was dark. It was so dark you couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of you. The closest bathroom was down the hallway on the same wall as my bedroom door. Directly across from that was the doorway to a long steep staircase. There were well over 20 stairs going down to the first floor so it took some time to go up or down. We were on the second floor and the stairs led to the living room and front door.

I made my way out of my room quietly to not wake anyone else up. I slowly walked down the hallway to the bathroom and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I let the toilet stop running before I left the bathroom to make sure it was as quiet as possible when I went back into the hallway. I was well awake at this point and shut the bathroom light off and opened the door. The house was completely silent. I stood just in front of the bathroom doorway looking at the dark staircase. 

I could hear a shuffling sound and creaking from the very bottom. I stood there not making a sound slowly moving closer to the top of the stairs. I was now standing on the very top step looking down into the darkness. The only light I had was from a nightlight on the wall a few feet back. I could maybe see 2 or 3 stairs down.

I stood there for another few seconds and all of the sudden heard stomping coming from the bottom of the staircase. It sounded like somebody running up the stairs right towards me. This seemed extremely off to me because everybody in the house was asleep. This person sounded like they had some sort of boots on and was moving very fast for it being the middle of the night. As the footsteps got closer I started to quickly walk back to my room. My door was still opened from when I woke up earlier and as soon as I got to the doorway of my room I heard the steps stop right where I was standing seconds before. Whoever was there was now standing just down the hall from me.

I looked down the dark hallway towards the stairs and bathroom but I couldn’t see past a few feet like I noted earlier. I closed my door as quiet as I could and got back in bed. It took a little while for me to get back to sleep but as soon as I knew it, it was morning. I left my room to go eat breakfast and everyone was awake and downstairs already. I walked down the stairs and went to the kitchen asking everyone in the house if they were awake around the time I went to the bathroom. Everybody said they were asleep and didn’t know what I was talking about.

They all pushed off what I had heard the night before and just said that I was half asleep. I know for a fact that I heard someone on the stairs that night and the only person who really believed me was my sister. I now understood what she was saying about that feeling of being watched and I had that same feeling periodically for the rest of the trip. This story is 100% true and we never figured out who was in the house that night. For all we know there could have been someone in the house the whole trip.

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